Dear Researchers, Partners, Colleagues, Friends,
Welcome to the website of the International Symposium “Creativity, Technology, and Marketing”. The symbiosis between the three actual notions develops promising perspectives at Technical University of Moldova. In 1989, the formation of engineers for local light industry sectors was initiated at the Technical University of Moldova (apparel, 1989; fashion design, 1995; leather goods, 1998; engineering and management in the light industry, 1998; design and polygraphy technologies, 2005). On July 14, 2022, by the Order No. 379-r of July 11, 2022, the Faculty of Textiles and Polygraphy (FTP) was reorganized by the fusion of the programs from cycle I, II: Product Design Engineering, Industrial Design within the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and renamed as the Faculty of Design (FD). At the same time, based on Government Decision no. 482/2017 of the RM of May 18, 2022, regarding the new Nomenclature of vocational training domains and specialties in higher education was initiated the new study program 0211.7 Game Design.
The Faculty of Light Industry was founded and developed by Constantin SPÎNU, doctor of arts, 1995-2013, who initiated and conducted 2 editions of the International Symposium “CREATIVITY. TECHNOLOGY. MARKETING.”
The next two editions of the CTM Symposium are due to Valentina BULGARU, doctor, former Dean of the Textiles and Polygraphy Faculty, 2013-2021. In these editions, the sections were expanded, and the number of participants significantly increased (IV edition 62 articles, 400 pages).
And today, we continue the tradition, the 2023 edition of the Symposium is dedicated to the fusion and concentration of all types of Design at the Faculty of Design in TUM, will discuss the analysis of current issues, which will include topics from creative domains: Product Design, Fashion Design, Game Design, Graphic and Printing Design, and trends in Industrial Technologies for apparel, textiles and leather goods, Marketing issues. We will also analyze the trends in higher education, the relationship between education, engineering and industrial sector.
Gratefully to the collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management, TUM, especially students Alexandru Cozlovschi and Gabriel Tureţchi, we have re-launched the CTM Symposium page where previous editions can also be found.
V-TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CREATIVITY TECHNOLOGY MARKETING 2023 aims to give the opportunity to share opinions, exchange ideas, debate and interact with other researchers, expressing my belief that joint efforts will inevitably contribute to establishment of new collaborations with similar educational institutions and economic entities, and development of a prodigious research and entrepreneurial environment. In this context, I take this opportunity to express sincere gratitude to all teaching staff, non-teaching and auxiliary personnel, students and master’s students, engineers, other faculty employees, and last but not least, the administration of the Technical University of Moldova for their support over the years in the growth and development the Faculty of Design.
1. Scientific and cultural aspects of design.
2. Trends in art and fashion design development.
3. Visualization of information technologies in design.
4. Prospects for the development of environment design.
5. Technologies in fashion industry
6. Arts of printing
7. Business aspects of design activities / Entrepreneurial education in design
8. Pedagogical aspects in engineering training
NO participation FEE
Paper language: English, Romanian.
Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Facultatea de desing, Blocul 11
str. Academician S. Rădăuțanu nr. 4, Chişinău, Republica Moldova
Tel: +373 022 32 39 71, +373 022 32 95 46
Fax: +373 022 32 39 71
Avem privilegiul de a vă informa că în data de 14 iunie 2024, Facultatea de Design a Universității Tehnice a Moldovei organizează cu mândrie a șasea ediție a Festivalului STUDENTS’ FASHION DAY (SFD-2024). Scopul principal al acestui eveniment este de a prezenta, disemina și promova rezultatele remarcabile obținute de tinerii absolvenți ai UTM, care creează colecții de modă inedite, cu o filosofie profundă. Vă garantăm că veți fi captivat la prima vedere de fiecare colecție prezentată pe podium, iar cel puțin una dintre acestea va transmite un puternic manifest al societății în care trăim! Creatorii noștri de modă realizează colecții care reprezintă o combinație inovatoare între tradițional și modern, cu o istorie impresionantă de producție în spate. La eveniment, veți avea ocazia să admirați cele 12 colecții realizate de absolvenții UTM, dar și colecțiile vestimentare de la cele mai importante 5 școli de modă din România:
UVT – Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara
UAD – Universitatea de Artă și Design din Cluj-Napoca
UNArte – Universitatea Națională de Arte București
UNAGE – Universitatea Națională de Arte „George Enescu” din Iași
UAV – Universitatea “Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad
Vă invităm cu respect la deschiderea oficială a Festivalului SFD-2024. Deschiderea evenimentului este programată pentru vineri, 14 iunie 2024, ora 18.00, în centrul IT “Tekwill”, str. Studenților, 9/11.
Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Facultatea de desing, Corpul 11
str. Academician S. Rădăuțanu nr. 4, Chişinău, Republica Moldova
Tel: +373 022 32 39 71, +373 022 32 95 46
Fax: +373 022 32 39 71